She could be thought of as the glue that holds our production and field teams together – ensuring production is on schedule and meets the highest standards; arranging commissionings, service and service agreements – and doing all she can to help best support our customers and coworkers.
Meet Shenelle Jardine, our fantastic Service and Production Manager – and learn more about Shenelle from those who work with her most!
According to Ryan, PDC Service Coordinator and Lead Technician, “Shenelle is an integral member of the PDC team and many of our processes. Shenelle has been the manager I have learned the most from in my professional career, and I attribute a lot of my professional growth to her tutelage. She is a leader I want to follow and learn from. Her organizational skills are second to none, and she is someone who can motivate any personality type. Because of her, we have developed the service department into a department that not only meets the needs of our customers, but also helped us cut warranty costs considerably. I’ve worked with Shenelle for years, she is someone I relate to, and I consider her a friend.”
And according to Jim Maslowski, PDC President, “When Shenelle arrived at the company, she filled a new position with a fresh perspective, ready to help the company forge big change without making waves. It’s working. No one likes waves unless they’re surfing, right? She jumps in and helps when there are issues, likes to talk a little goat etiquette to lighten the mood and can’t resist searching for wood to knock on when discussing a tight schedule. It’s hard to find her without a smile even when there are daunting headwinds.”
Last, but certainly not least, according to Dan, our Lead Field Technician, “Over the course of my career, I’ve had the honor and pleasure to work for some amazing bosses. Shenelle takes her place at the top of that list. The organization and problem-solving skills she brings to the table are top-notch, not only for our customer base, but for the team she oversees. I look forward to watching where she leads our department and our company in the future.”
Now, on to a few more fun facts about Shenelle!
“Technically it’s a prayer. ‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can. Wisdom to know the difference.’ Fun fact: I have a serenity tattoo.
“I love to sing karaoke and I don’t suck at it!”
“Knowing that our products truly do help people and make a difference for the patients. It is a growing company with opportunities to help develop the processes and procedures that will contribute to its success.”
“Spend time with my husband and dogs, hobby farming (chickens, goats and miniature pig), jet skiing, UTV rides, fishing, ice fishing, hunting, tractor rides and going to concerts.”
“Each day presents new challenges and opportunities, and there are no two days exactly the same.”
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